Music launch of Ram’s latest movie RamaRama KrishnaKrishna was launched at a function organized near Durgam Cheruvu on the night of 9 April. Bindu Madhavi and Priya Anand play female leads. Srivas directs it and Dil Raju produces it. MM Keeravani composed the music. Incidentally RRKK is the 200th film for which Keeravani composed music.
NTR, Prabhas, Dil Raju, Srivas, Keervani, SS Rajamouli, Bellamkonda Suresh, Meher Ramesh, Ram, Priya Anand, Bindu Madhavi and Sravanthi Ravi attended it.
NTR launched the music and gave the first unit to Prabhas.
NTR said, “I like Ram a lot. He is extremely energetic. MM Keeravani composed music for 200 films so far and I did only 3 with him. I wish that he will do 200 more films in his illustrious career. Dil Raju is like my family member and I wish him all the best.”
Prabhas said, “MM Keeravani composed music for the biggest hit in my career – Chatrapati. Ram surprises me with energy in his performance.”
Dil Raju said, “Srivas narrated me this story around two years back. Entire team worked on it since then. RRKK has come out really well. It has love, action and entertainment elements. I am sure that it will be a blockbuster. We are lucky have his 200th film made on our banner.”
Keeravani said, “I had done 200 films so far. With that experience, I tend to give suggestions to the directors I work with. I also suggested something to Srivas. Srivas is a pure-hearted guy. Rajamouli complains that most of my music is slow. For RRKK, I gave fast music to match the energy of Ram.”